
How To Ship Directly From China To Amazon FBA

If you want to source products from China and ship them directly to Amazon FBA, there are a few things you need to know. Unless you are familiar with the costs of shipping, customs clearance, and duties, you run the risk of getting hit with charges you weren’t expecting – and this can impact your business’ bottom line. Prepare in advance by researching before shipping directly from China to save time and maximize profit.

This article focuses on answering one of the most common questions we hear from online sellers: “How do I ship from China to Amazon FBA?”. This guide will answer all you need to know about direct shipping to Amazon from China. 

Can I ship from China to Amazon FBA?

The Amazon FBA program is available to sellers in many countries worldwide, including the US, making it possible to ship products from China directly to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. 

To source products from China and ship them directly to Amazon FBA, there are a few things you’ll need to know. Shipping products from China to Amazon’s warehouses first requires setting up an Amazon seller account, creating listings for your products, and then using a freight forwarder to get your products to Amazon.  

How long does it take to ship from China to Amazon?

The shipping time from China to Amazon will depend on a few factors, such as your shipping method and the location of the Amazon destination warehouses. 

If you choose to ship from China directly to Amazon, it’s important to factor in that once the goods are delivered, Amazon will need to inspect and approve your products before they are available for sale. It typically takes 2-3 weeks for products to arrive at Amazon’s warehouses in the US from China, plus around 14 days to inspect and approve your products.

However, if you use expedited shipping, Amazon will prioritize your products for inspection, and they could be available for sale in 7-10 days from the date of delivery.

Step-by-step guide for shipping directly to Amazon FBA From China

  1. Create an Amazon seller account. It must be a US-based Amazon seller account if you’re not in China.
  2. Find a supplier in China that you want to work with. Once you’ve found a supplier, create listings for your products on Amazon.
  3. Once your listings are created, use an Amazon FBA-approved freight forwarder to ship your goods from to Amazon warehouses.
  4. Once your products arrive at Amazon, they will need to be inspected and approved before making them available for sale. Amazon typically takes around 14 days to review and approve products shipped from China.
  5. Once your products are approved, they will be available for purchase on Amazon and most related services will be handled directly by Amazon FBA. 

How much does to cost to ship directly to Amazon FBA from China?

The cost of shipping from China to Amazon FBA will depend on a few standard factors, such as the weight and size of your products, the shipping method you choose, and the location of Amazon’s warehouses. In addition, unexpected delays or charges may apply to your shipment – for example due to weather conditions, port disruptions, or other factors.

If you’re shipping products to Amazon’s warehouses in the US, you can expect to pay around $0.50-$2.00 per pound for shipping. If you’re shipping products to Amazon’s warehouses in Europe, you can expect to pay around €0.60-€1.50 per pound for shipping.  

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